“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.”
Ban-Ki Moon, Former UN Secretary General, Address to G20 Summit 2013
The Blue Economy research area strives to channel our diverse expertise in fundamental and applied marine science to support current and future commercial users of the marine environment to benefit from the oceans without degrading the very system we all depend on.
The concept of the Blue Economy arose from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012, where it was recognised that our seas can play a crucial role in social and economic development, whilst ocean-derived benefits are conserved for future generations.
The use of the oceans as a development space, and the decoupling of social and economic growth from environmental degradation, are at the centre of the scientific, education and commercial activities of the ҹѰ Blue Economy Research Area.
Our expertise
With specialist expertise in aquaculture, marine biotechnology, marine renewable energy, oil and gas, industrial impacts and social-ecological systems, the blue economy research area brings together a multidisciplinary and multisectorial approach to work with industry and regulators to drive forward marine economic developments within the limits of resilience of the social-ecological system. We translate our research outcomes and expert knowledge into industry solutions and regulatory tools to provide immediate economic, environmental and societal benefits.
Blue Economy leaders